New Media needs technology in order to exist. New Media is used by people to connect with other people in a faster, more efficient way. Technology allows this to be done. You can submit information through wikis, blogs, etc. and other people can edit, comment, and share even more information right away through the technologies. You can connect with your friends/family across the country with a Facebook wall comment, and he or she can write back practically right away if they are on. There are also sites such as YouTube, FlickR, Secondlife that are New Media technologies- any site that allows you to connect with people from all over, directly, can pretty much be a part of New Media. An example of the rapid response in New Media technologies comes from the article "Clive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think" A member, MadV, who created a video had inspired 2,000 replies which made it the "most-responded-to video in YouTube's history."
Internet is very important to New Media. It's what permits the connection between people using the various New Media Technologies. It permits ease, and provides efficient, and speedy results. It also is the factor which allows you to connect to people not generally in your circle. According to the article "Eight business technology trends to watch,"
"The Internet and related technologies give companies radical new ways to harvest the talents of innovators working outside corporate boundaries."
New Media is enhancing old media because everything is faster, and reaches out to more people. People provide news and information on various sites, versus getting a daily newspaper. Word of mouth and new facts pertaining to news can be updated throughout the day. Having to schedule meetings and visits are changed through online meeting rooms and or instant chat services. For those people you know who live far away, you can easily stay in contact through social networking sites. New Media is the upgrade to old media, it makes things a lot easier and faster to stay connected with the world.
Why Do Chickens Take Dirt Baths
6 months ago
Good points about the new media, though I did not get what was your perception of our class so far.