At some point in time I have been a member of Friendster, Myspace, Facebook, and Xanga. I pretty much fell off of Friendster, and Xanga. Myspace I sign into maybe once every couple of months... maybe. I believe Xanga was my first taste of social networking. It's another blogging community site, and I had subsriptions to my cousins' and friends' xangas. We all tend to migrate to these social networking sites together. At the time, it was fun to be on. My layouts changed, I wrote about what's going on in my life, and I read about the goings on in other people's lives. I "connected" with people I never knew before. Comments were a big thing- you would log into your site the read the comments left on your new entry. Eventually, comments stop coming, and the writing of new entries got boring (unless there was something really interesting to talk about). That was the end of Xanga.
Friendster was my next stepping stone. It was cool for the fact that now we can upload and share pics. Eventually I did get tired of it too. Mostly because the layout was unchangeable and it just always looked the same. The comment feature was okay, but the interaction between me and my "friends" was limited. It was more effort to go leave a comment for some reason. Eventually Friendster faded out of the picture too.
Myspace is one of the most popular social networking sites out there. And of course I joined. My family and friends were on it, and I got to meet a good set of new cool people. One of the cooler features I thought Myspace has is the "top 8" friends (although I used a higher setting because I didn't want anyone feeling bad). Another cool feature is the billboard where friends can post updates and interesting tidbits, etc. I love the fact that we can put songs onto our pages and layouts were customizable. Myspace is still a fun site to use, I just fell off of it because I find it to be similar to Facebook and I couldn't keep up between the two sites. All the uploads I would do on one, I felt had to be done on the other. So eventually I focused practically all my time into Facebook.
Facebook I first appreciated because it was for college students. Then it opened its doors to the public. I minded at first, but not so much now. I was able to connect to even more family members, like my brother and sister in law from Georgia. I found people from years ago I never thought I would hear from again. The wall feature, the "notes" feature, and all the new applications that come out for Facebook keeps it interesting. I love the "events" option because I can see what's going on, and I can host my own event too. I like the fact that you can comment and tag people in your photos. And you can see the new pics your friends post without having to go to each person's page. The updates in your friends lives are on that first home page. So all in all, Myspace and Facebook are my top social networking sites- but Facebook is my number 1 (for now).
Why Do Chickens Take Dirt Baths
6 months ago
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