Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Class Wiki- So Far

Our class wiki has been an interesting assignment. I do appreciate the concept of maintaining a wiki between the New Media students. I signed up for New Media in Entertainment and I've added information regarding new media and the ways they've been used by entertainers and for entertainment. For example, Twitter has a pretty decent celebrity population, who choose to update their non-celebrity followers with news regarding their lives. I try to add whatever new or interesting information I come across regarding New Media and Entertainment.

I see a lot of information in the other categories on the wiki that I find pretty interesting. I didn't know how new media applied to healthcare, transportation, politics, etc. Some of the information found in the categories have been informative and educating. The information on Obama's use of new media I found to be really cool because it's one of the reasons why I like him so much. He has really reached outside the box in his campaign efforts and I feel he really tries to connect to the people, which includes us younger folk.


Jackson's presentation on SecondLife was really enjoyable. He talked about how schools have used SecondLife which I thought was something Baruch should try doing (like the appointments between students and professors) because it is convenient and less formal. He talked about business use and pointed out that car companies can show their models and allow them to be customized which I thought was cool. You can have a virtual preview without having to leave your home. He showed IBM's islands/buildings, and several other things. I'm not a member of SecondLife, but his presentation has definitely raised my interest. The fact that you can "work," and earn Linden dollars, socialize with people from all over and take part in more serious causes, all in program is pretty incredible. His presentation was very interesting and entertaining and I thought he did a great job.

My Term Research Project

Annie and I presented our project last Thursday (the 7th). Our assignment was on online consumers and businesses. As I was researching I found material pertaining to merchants and being that we're at a business school, I thought it was good information to share. I thought the innovative ways they use, or the ways recommended for use (like blogs, podcasts, etc), were really cool because it looked like they were really trying to connect to their consumer base through all means. And because our topic was really pro/con based, I had to share the cons (like expenses) as well. I probably did talk about businesses a little too much but I was trying to incorporate both businesses and individuals, and I found it a little hard to pick and choose what to include. The consumer pros included things that a lot of us knew about, and maybe a few other unknowns. But it's good to shine light on things we take for granted once in a while. Unfortunately I did have to read from my notes because of my shyness. I knew my information but being up there makes me jumble my thoughts so I felt more "secure" by staring at my paper =\ Anyway, I thought our presentation was decent, but perhaps we should've incorporated more new media usage and/or more consumer focus.