Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Class Wiki- So Far

Our class wiki has been an interesting assignment. I do appreciate the concept of maintaining a wiki between the New Media students. I signed up for New Media in Entertainment and I've added information regarding new media and the ways they've been used by entertainers and for entertainment. For example, Twitter has a pretty decent celebrity population, who choose to update their non-celebrity followers with news regarding their lives. I try to add whatever new or interesting information I come across regarding New Media and Entertainment.

I see a lot of information in the other categories on the wiki that I find pretty interesting. I didn't know how new media applied to healthcare, transportation, politics, etc. Some of the information found in the categories have been informative and educating. The information on Obama's use of new media I found to be really cool because it's one of the reasons why I like him so much. He has really reached outside the box in his campaign efforts and I feel he really tries to connect to the people, which includes us younger folk.


Jackson's presentation on SecondLife was really enjoyable. He talked about how schools have used SecondLife which I thought was something Baruch should try doing (like the appointments between students and professors) because it is convenient and less formal. He talked about business use and pointed out that car companies can show their models and allow them to be customized which I thought was cool. You can have a virtual preview without having to leave your home. He showed IBM's islands/buildings, and several other things. I'm not a member of SecondLife, but his presentation has definitely raised my interest. The fact that you can "work," and earn Linden dollars, socialize with people from all over and take part in more serious causes, all in program is pretty incredible. His presentation was very interesting and entertaining and I thought he did a great job.

My Term Research Project

Annie and I presented our project last Thursday (the 7th). Our assignment was on online consumers and businesses. As I was researching I found material pertaining to merchants and being that we're at a business school, I thought it was good information to share. I thought the innovative ways they use, or the ways recommended for use (like blogs, podcasts, etc), were really cool because it looked like they were really trying to connect to their consumer base through all means. And because our topic was really pro/con based, I had to share the cons (like expenses) as well. I probably did talk about businesses a little too much but I was trying to incorporate both businesses and individuals, and I found it a little hard to pick and choose what to include. The consumer pros included things that a lot of us knew about, and maybe a few other unknowns. But it's good to shine light on things we take for granted once in a while. Unfortunately I did have to read from my notes because of my shyness. I knew my information but being up there makes me jumble my thoughts so I felt more "secure" by staring at my paper =\ Anyway, I thought our presentation was decent, but perhaps we should've incorporated more new media usage and/or more consumer focus.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The next new thing may be some sort of application or site in which people can link others to related interests. Users can use this new medium to locate the best deals for food, movies, clothes, etc. in specific areas. They can continue with the sharing of news, information, updates, and such. They can use the site to promote events or causes, allow people to meet and share ideas, etc. I feel word of mouth is an important aspect when it comes to new media, and something that can allow people to come together to discuss or relay information on many, if not all, categories (entertainment, dining, politics, etc) would truly catch on like wildfire.

Advice to Baruch College

Some suggestions I would make to improve Baruch College would be to definitely incorporate Second Life into our academic environment. It is truly an innovative way to hold classes, and even meetings. The online environment makes it more fun for students, spiking their interests. It also may be more convenient in that students wouldn't have to commute for their class. As for meetings, if students have a group project or if professors want to set up meetings with students outside of class, Second Life may be useful for those purposes as well.

Another suggestion that may be beneficial to Baruch would be to incorporate the Student newspaper in a blog or wiki form. News and information can be shared several times a day. Of course, that doesn't mean everyone in the student body will contribute but there can be sections where students can share information or such [like a wiki answer], sharing new trends, deals, etc.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The biggest different between new media and old media lies in the fact that new media is linked to technology. Old media items come in the form of books, newspapers, face to face interaction, letters, and mail, etc. There's usually only one party who provides information and everyone else more or less just accepts it. There are a limited amount of people who take part in information sharing and such. New media on the other hand uses technology to reach the masses. There are little to no geographic limitations in new media; people are able to connect for personal or business purposes without having to be face to face or in the same vicinity. People collaborate in sharing and editing information and sharing experiences. People are able to share photos, news, and trends within a day. And, people can use new media to meet new people and discover new things that would normally not be possible had these new doorways been open. To distinguish between old and new media, you should see if the information, item, activity, etc. is linked to technology in any way. And also see if it is accessible by anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Does it also permit user input including modification or suggestions? These are the typical aspects of new media that old media tends to lack.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Virtual worlds, such as the popular Second Life, are a significant part of new media. They can be used just for entertainment (i.e.: video game), they can be used to meet new people, or another way of interacting with friends you already have. Virtual worlds can also be used to teach, that is, people with shared interests can have a meeting area in which actual lessons ranging from a variety of topics can be taught at a specified time. It can help people improve on their social skills, especially if they are shy or have trouble communicating. Virtual worlds can be used by business organizations to conduct meetings, which is particularly useful if you want to communicate with team members who are spread around the country or world. Businesses can also use virtual worlds to conduct orientations and training sessions. An example of this comes from the article. “IBM Learning Programs Get a ‘Second Life.” The article states, “New IBM employees separated by thousands of miles will be able to mingle, interact and share ideas in the virtual world before their first day on the job.” “They can learn real-life working skills such as signing up for benefits, developing code as part of a global team, and ramping up sales skills before they meet with IBM clients.”

Virtual world technology is beneficial to society in that it provides convenience, ease, innovation, and even help. If a school or business wants to host a class, or training, it would be convenient to just turn on your computer and be connected without having to travel. Since virtual worlds provide an innovative way to socialize or train/learn, they appeal to large groups of people because people are attracted to the unconventional methods used. And as for help, virtual worlds can make people with low self esteem feel better because they aren’t judged, they can help those with serious socializing problems learn to deal, they can give people who are unable to move or function completely the chance to do so via the virtual world, they can provide language assistance, and the list goes on. An example of one of the ways virtual worlds provide help is shown through the article, “iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction." It states, “For people with autism, we've found it's a very nice way of setting up situations they might come across in their everyday lives," Bignell [a psychology researcher] said. "For people who have social, emotional, communicational problems ... we can get them familiar with an environment before they actually try it out in real life."

The dark side of virtual worlds would have to be, when used for more serious or professional reasons, there’s a limit as to what can be done. Everything in the virtual world is simulated, which can hinder actual real life performance. You may learn to deal with certain situations but not everything can be truly learned through the virtual world.

I think virtual worlds will continue to grow while technology grows. As more and more of our society become technologically advanced, things like virtual worlds may become the norm. And it will lead to some new, unique technology being developed.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Social Networking can be used for keeping in contact with friends and family and it allows you to meet new people through mutual friends or shared interests. You can interact with people who have shared music, movies, interests in organizations, or activities, etc. Social networking can also be used on a corporate level as a new way of advertisement, or gaining more public interest. It can also be a method of recruiting, or gaining information on potential employees.

The benefits of social networking are convenience and ease of contact. You don’t have to wait for an in person visit in order to catch up with a friend. From a corporate aspect, social networking can really aid in the recruiting process. According to Maureen Crawford-Hentz, a recruiter for Osram Sylvania, “Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting -- ever.” It allows recruiters to find talent that they probably wouldn’t find otherwise.

But along with benefits, there are downsides with social networking. It doesn’t always replace face to face contact and communication. Social networking can also work against you when it comes to companies. If you have inappropriate information or pictures, it may cost you an opportunity. So, social networking should be used with haste and caution.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


New Media needs technology in order to exist. New Media is used by people to connect with other people in a faster, more efficient way. Technology allows this to be done. You can submit information through wikis, blogs, etc. and other people can edit, comment, and share even more information right away through the technologies. You can connect with your friends/family across the country with a Facebook wall comment, and he or she can write back practically right away if they are on. There are also sites such as YouTube, FlickR, Secondlife that are New Media technologies- any site that allows you to connect with people from all over, directly, can pretty much be a part of New Media. An example of the rapid response in New Media technologies comes from the article "Clive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think" A member, MadV, who created a video had inspired 2,000 replies which made it the "most-responded-to video in YouTube's history."

Internet is very important to New Media. It's what permits the connection between people using the various New Media Technologies. It permits ease, and provides efficient, and speedy results. It also is the factor which allows you to connect to people not generally in your circle. According to the article "Eight business technology trends to watch,"

"The Internet and related technologies give companies radical new ways to harvest the talents of innovators working outside corporate boundaries."

New Media is enhancing old media because everything is faster, and reaches out to more people. People provide news and information on various sites, versus getting a daily newspaper. Word of mouth and new facts pertaining to news can be updated throughout the day. Having to schedule meetings and visits are changed through online meeting rooms and or instant chat services. For those people you know who live far away, you can easily stay in contact through social networking sites. New Media is the upgrade to old media, it makes things a lot easier and faster to stay connected with the world.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Some Social Networking Sites

At some point in time I have been a member of Friendster, Myspace, Facebook, and Xanga. I pretty much fell off of Friendster, and Xanga. Myspace I sign into maybe once every couple of months... maybe. I believe Xanga was my first taste of social networking. It's another blogging community site, and I had subsriptions to my cousins' and friends' xangas. We all tend to migrate to these social networking sites together. At the time, it was fun to be on. My layouts changed, I wrote about what's going on in my life, and I read about the goings on in other people's lives. I "connected" with people I never knew before. Comments were a big thing- you would log into your site the read the comments left on your new entry. Eventually, comments stop coming, and the writing of new entries got boring (unless there was something really interesting to talk about). That was the end of Xanga.

Friendster was my next stepping stone. It was cool for the fact that now we can upload and share pics. Eventually I did get tired of it too. Mostly because the layout was unchangeable and it just always looked the same. The comment feature was okay, but the interaction between me and my "friends" was limited. It was more effort to go leave a comment for some reason. Eventually Friendster faded out of the picture too.

Myspace is one of the most popular social networking sites out there. And of course I joined. My family and friends were on it, and I got to meet a good set of new cool people. One of the cooler features I thought Myspace has is the "top 8" friends (although I used a higher setting because I didn't want anyone feeling bad). Another cool feature is the billboard where friends can post updates and interesting tidbits, etc. I love the fact that we can put songs onto our pages and layouts were customizable. Myspace is still a fun site to use, I just fell off of it because I find it to be similar to Facebook and I couldn't keep up between the two sites. All the uploads I would do on one, I felt had to be done on the other. So eventually I focused practically all my time into Facebook.

Facebook I first appreciated because it was for college students. Then it opened its doors to the public. I minded at first, but not so much now. I was able to connect to even more family members, like my brother and sister in law from Georgia. I found people from years ago I never thought I would hear from again. The wall feature, the "notes" feature, and all the new applications that come out for Facebook keeps it interesting. I love the "events" option because I can see what's going on, and I can host my own event too. I like the fact that you can comment and tag people in your photos. And you can see the new pics your friends post without having to go to each person's page. The updates in your friends lives are on that first home page. So all in all, Myspace and Facebook are my top social networking sites- but Facebook is my number 1 (for now).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Is New Media?

My interpretation of New Media coincided with a definition I found at: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/N/new_media.html

It states new media is, "A generic term for the many different forms of electronic communication that are made possible through the use of computer technology." I feel new media refers to all the technological forms of communication people have with one another via computers. This includes the online social networks, like Facebook and Myspace, the cell phone apps that allows you to locate yourself (like those for the iphone), the twitter application, etc. People are able to connect and make new friends through new media, they are able to share their insights, knowledge and experiences (ie., blogs). New media provides speed and ease in communicating. People are able to spread news more quickly through all the technology that makes up new media. People are able to make purchases, sell items, consult, and inform through new media. People are able to get the latest reviews, gossip, trends, information on hotspots, the goings on around town, etc. It's a way in which people can be connected to their world without having to travel far or waiting around for the information to get to them.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Online Consumers in the Age of New Media

For the term project I will be working with Annie Hiciano, and our topic will be "Online Consumers in the New Media Age." Our focus will be on online shopping which we believe is a part of new media because it's part of the new pop culture. Although online shopping has been around for a while, it's a lot more mainstream in that people now have access to shopping and purchasing items from various markets without leaving the comfort of their homes. As technology improves, the access to shopping without physically going to a store is increased. We will be providing a comparison between online shopping when it first began and what it is like today as well as what retailers are doing to adhere to this trend. We will also be talking about the pros (which would include great online selection of products, good deals through price comparison, and no need to travel) and the cons (such as having to wait for merchandise to arrive, paying shipping fees, and the inability to try things on).